The Democratizing Data initiative is working with a number of government agencies to ensure that data are more effectively used for public decision-making. It helps enhance both governmental policy and scientific practices by gathering evidence on dataset utilization and creating a community of agencies, scientists, and other relevant parties to utilize this information effectively.

Economic Research Services (ERS) and National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS) - US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
ERS supported the work from the earliest stages. It set the initial direction of tool development and implementation. NASS worked with ERS to identify the initial USDA data sets and possible visualization tools, identified validators (either internal or external). They also will conduct research to develop a theory of change and will develop targeted messages to survey respondents to increase overall response rates.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - Institute for Education Sciences - Department of Education
NCES has a number of goals: Relevancy (Determine who is using NCES data, including networks of dominant users), Priority (Understand which data sets are being used the most and which the least), Equity (Gain an equity perspective on use of NCES data), and Community (Build partnerships with researchers who are conducting research in areas of interest to NCES).

National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) - National Science Foundation (NSF)
NCSES supported the work from the earliest stages. Their goal was to show how NCSES data were being used in research communities and for decision making purposes. The development of usage statistics provides an important foundation for transparency as NCSES serves as the project management office for the establishment of the National Secure Data Service Demonstration Project as mandated by Section 10375 of the CHIPS and Science Act.
Contract Number: 49100422C0028

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Department of Commerce
NOAA’s primary objective was to develop a reusable data discovery interface. The overall goal for NOAA is to use machine learning to find citations to NOAA datasets in journal articles and other scientific literature. This knowledge will help highlight the value of NOAA’s open data, track the provenance of data used in scientific research, and help new users find trusted data that is relevant to their research topic.

Office of Data Science Strategy - Office of the Director - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The primary objective is to provide a rich and innovative set of tools for addressing data sharing problems by enabling search and discovery for the subsequent use of NIH funded digital data assets. The NIH project is sponsored by the Office of Data Science Strategy. It will identify a subset of HIV datasets found in Mendeley Data and find the publications that cite those datasets. It will expand information on the use of data in the Mendeley data repository, such as number of views and downloads, with aggregate measures at the dataset level to inform decisions about data curation.