
USDA Webinar

An online USDA/ ERS & NASS Democratizing Data Joint Info Session.



12:00pm-01:00pm EST


Registration Closed


An informational overview of the approach to developing insights to build an understanding of how to characterize and measure the theory of change; that is, the path from data creation to the outcome and its potential value.

The purpose of this work is to build an understanding of how data are used and affect outcomes is to obtain better informed decision-making around data investments and to improve the quality of data collected by agencies.

This event will include a special invitation offered for the in-person workshop in May (to be held on May 1st).

If you have any questions or suggestions about this event, please Contact Us.

Update: This webinar took place on March 28, 2023. Watch the video and access the slides below.

Webinar Slides

Webinar Agenda

Spiro Stefanou USDA vision, Theory of Change
Kelly Maguire ERS Goals
Kelly Maguire Overview of May 1 in-person workshop in KCMO
Nick Pallotta ERS and NASS Dashboards
Julia Lane Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks and API
Nancy Potok Data Ecosystem; Evidence Act and Democratizing Data Vision
Kelly Maguire Q&A